#prayerwordoftheday warrior. God is a warrior for you. Are you a warrior for him?
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday believe. Believe in your miracle! The Lord is a miracle worker!
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday winner. You were born a winner!
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday unconditional. The Lord’s love is unconditional.
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday transition. Are you stuck in transition?
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday glorious. Thank you Lord for this glorious day!
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday yes. Can God do it? The answer is yes!