#prayerwordoftheday love. Love is JESUS!
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday savior. Thank you Lord for being my savior.
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday still. The Lord is still blessing us! See beyond the storm!
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday forward. Move forward. The past will stay in the past.
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday up. Fall off and get back up. His grace and mercy reigns.
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday worry. Do not worry. Pray and keep the faith that God will deliver.
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday up. Walk with your head up. The Lord is your savior! Be bold.