#prayerwordoftheday greatness. We are destined for greatness. Keep the faith!
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday development. Prayer is the building block of our development.
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday growth. How has your growth been so far this year? Have you done more in order to receive more?
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday alone. You are never alone and you are worthy.
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday pray. Stop trying to do it all alone. Pray and watch it all be received.
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday glorious. The Lord is glorious. I am grateful!
Prayer Word of the Day @Mrsurry
#prayerwordoftheday lead. Remember that you don’t always have to be in the front. You can lead form the back!